ADRA Cayman Islands is committed in upholding the ethical values that are consistent with good principles while soliciting.  We believe that our reputation is critical in maintain good fiscal reporting. The following guidelines are published for your information.


  1. Before you can donate using our website we request that you review your information to make sure that you are submitting the correct amount of contribution and all personal data submitted is current with the card you are using.
  2. If your card is lost or stolen please contact your provider.
  3. If you want to make a standing order, please check to verify that the amount you are giving is stated correctly. If you have decided to stop your standing order, please notify your bank provider, or email us [email protected]  so we can better manage our financial commitment.
  4. All check must be made payable to Cayman Islands Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA).
  5. All monetary donation you give is deposited in a prescribed local banking account which is registered with the Government of the Cayman Islands.
  6. ADRA Cayman Islands operates within the financial regulations of the Cayman Islands Government including authorization to solicit funds from local and international bodies as prescribes in the Cayman Islands Government Non- Profit Organization Regulations (Revision 2020).
  7. All payments made through our website is duly monitored by our Financial Controller who is a registered Executive Officer with the Government of the Cayman Islands and authorized under the NPO Certification.
  8. ADRA Cayman Islands exercises due diligence in managing any donations to make sure that your contribution shall be used in accordance with our NPO stipulations and will be guided by our Purpose, Vision and Mission.
  9. ADRA Cayman Islands has an established Fundraising Committee which consist of five (5) volunteers and is chaired by the Deputy Director of Operations. Their main role is to manage the solicitation of funds or the donation of any property by persons for the use of ADRA Cayman’s Mission and Vision. It is particularly important to note that no member related to the Seventh Day Adventist Church or ADRA Volunteer or any other organization is authorized to solicit funds or properties without submitting their request to the Fundraising Committee for discussion, decision, and implementation.
  10. All volunteers of ADRA Cayman have an ADRA issues ID Card and must wear their ID and produce it upon the request of the donors or any volunteer soliciting on behalf of ADRA Cayman Islands.